Mickey Kleinhenz is a native Houstonian.
He grew up exploring the bayous of the city, discovering and caring for the wildlife within the urban environment.

He has a bachelors degree in Horticulture and Masters in Landscape Architecture from Louisiana State University. He has worked in landscape management and landscape design, also working for the Houston Arboretum and the Houston Zoo. For over a decade of summers he reconnected with the natural world working at a summer camp, leading programs focused on exploring the wilderness and teaching outdoor skills.
He carries a wealth of knowledge in working with children and teaching in the outdoor environment.

Mickey and Orpo

Mickey and Orpo


In 2013 he finished his first Permaculture design course(PDC) and began devoting his energy toward nurturing life on a 2/3 acre vacant lot in the city. He has built it into a premier site for Urban Permaculture in the Houston Area and shares it online through “Inwood Eden” on social media.

His purpose is to help people understand their relationship to nature and reconnect with the living world.

